Breast & Ovarian Cancer Screening
You know your family history is important for you overall health, but did you know it can be a predictor of breast, colon, and ovarian cancer? These cancers can sometimes be linked to a genetic mutation, BRCA or Lynch Syndrome. It is important to discuss your risks and family history with your doctor so he or she can better help you manage your healthcare. A simple blood test can be performed in the office and sent to Myriad genetic laboratories for further analysis. In many cases when a genetic link is likely, insurance will cover the exam so there is no out of pocket cost to you. The information learned through this testing can help you and your doctor make better informed decisions when it comes to your healthcare and treatment options.

At St. Clair Shores OB/GYN, we offer breast and ovarian cancer screenings as part of your regular care. Breast exams should become part of your annual exam beginning in your 20s. Likewise, mammograms and breast imaging is recommended as you enter your 40s. Pap tests should be completed every 3-5 years and can be done right in the office.
It is important to have regular visits with your gynecologist. Call the St. Clair Shores office at (586) 779-9400 or the Macomb office at (586) 226-6155 to book your appointment!